v An Advertifemcnt.. " their charge, but devour'd them ; and were not maintaind (or fed) only with the men, '. Spoils, (as molt Robbers ufe) but with tearing the men, and, as I may fay, with their " Blood. And the matter was fo manag'd, that the Men that were Rrangl'd and kill'd " bythe Robberyof the Judges, began to be as it were Barbarians, becaufe they were " not fuffer'd to be Romans; for they were fain to be what they had not been, bé " caufe they were not filftèr'd to be what they had been, and they were confrat " ned to defend at leaft their Lives, becaufe they law that they had utterly loft their Li: .. berty.J SeeduFrefne's Glofïary lately printed at Paris, Vol. z. "[n the word [gaga/ dal ttew- `f ing that they were Chriaians. See Florentins in Flattinger's Ecclef: Rifler. In the Life ofAbbot Bobolon, publifted by Chiietista in the end of Beda's Works " [ Oro/jai the Hiftory-writer, in his Hiftory which he compos'd affirmeth, that the " forefaid Cagle was by Maximianns Herculias overthrown to the very ground, and utterly " deftroy'd; becaufe .Amandto and Elianto, (Ckriftiana cultoresFidei) who were of the " Chriftian Religion, would not be fubje& to the Sacrilegious Roman Princes ; for the " t fame Maximianua having gatherd an Army of Romans, and joyning to him the Legion " of the Theban Souldiers, drew towards them, that he might utterly deltroy the Caaié of the Bagauds ; andpaging over the Alp, with his Army, and ceiling weary aböui " War/arum, commanded to invite all to the Fanatick Sacrifices, and to take an Oath " upon the Sacredsofthe Gods, that they would with one mind fight againft the Troops f (or Companies) of the Bagauds : And the rea of the Chriflians where-ever found, he " decreed Iheuld he kill'd by all men. But when this came to the Ears of Maurice, " Captain of the Theban Legion, viz. that Cofer commanded them to fight againft Chri- " ftians, he faid to him (the Emperor) we know how to fight againft impious men, but todeltroy godlymen and fellow Citizens the are utterly ignorant. We hold our Arms you fee, but we refit not, for we are readier to die than to kill : And fo they joyfully " yielded their Necks to the Executioners, and by the Torment of their Bodies pafs'd to the Heavenly Glory: Then Cafar proceeding, and coming to the Caille of the ITagaudi; fo long beheg'd it byLand and Water, till after a long time he took it, with the Pò( " feflors, whom he kill'd with Sword and Fire e And fo brought to nought the Coate; " that betides the ruines of the Ditches, no figns appear'd ofany Fortifications. As ant ng " other Cailles it was tumid with Munition more excellent than the Imperial, fo by the " Roman Emperour it was brought lower by dearuetion. And the Inhabitants of the laid " Caille, who (as I before noted) were Chriaians, defpifing the care of their Body for " the Love ofGod, are to bebeliev'd to have pafs'd to the HeavenlyKingdom by Martyr- " dom. So tar this Author. See alto the Life of St. Maurice inHip. Lombard. " It is call'd (faith Ferrarius) Begederuen Coffman; ; and St. Maur.. des Falk, reffe Vignario, to this day, and is flag. Gal. ad, Matrenamflue. apedParifos, and turdd to-'a " Monaftery. You may fee more yet in Martinii Onomaft, in the word Boquetes, for that he maketh; after Scaliger, to be their Country name, and their Enemies after its'd it for the Title of Rebels, and Rogues, and Seditious People. I conclude with Martiniva'swords hereon, y" Et tells elf mss, &c.7 Such is the manner of Tome, who being titled (or call'd) Clement, delight to be Lrelement : The end of " whole Reputation and Government is as was their Predeceffor Rehcboam, Ambition and Luxury do this, fo great weight is in that one Rule, (MODERATE THINGS " ARE DURABLE] and the Prudence in Publick and Family Government tó " proportion our Expenses to our ERates, &a. But it will not he better with Hamate Affairs, as long as the Wifdom from above is excluded, and the Wifdom that is earthly, " fenlsal and devdit, taketh place in the World. But yet let not the fufferiug of anyEvil " draw us to do any Evil ; for it is the greaten Evil not to be able to beat Evil. Out of all this it is evident, r. That the horridoppreffion and cruelty againft Chriaians in Diocletiian's time did drive there Chriaians, in France, to a ruaick felf -defence, under the co,daf of .Amand:o andElianto. o. That it wasfor refuting to fight againft them, that the 77ieban Legion was decimated, (and 7e iÿill'd fay fume) and withal for notfwearing and facri- ficing to the Gods. 3. Thatit wasthe great numbersofChriftians (wholi multiplicationFate- bias dcfcribes in Diodefari s days) that caus'd him to deltroy them, lefe they fhould grow too ftrong for Mtn (as Pharaoh did by the Ifraelites.) 4. That yet there felfdefendingChriaians feed wotfeand füff r'd more than they,had done if they had fled. s.Thaat chore that the Pagan Easperoar