Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

An Advertifement, Obj. Rat how then canyou hold, that the whole vifibleChurch was never the Seat or Soc;r ty of .Antichrist in any one .Age ? nnfm. Very well: Chrift was Chrift, the Headof his Church, ae vifible and invii ble, ih every Age. r. Three or four partsof the Chriftian World were then, andare now, from under the Pope : This very bloody Council faith, c. 4. ' That the Greeks reje&ed theRe- ' manPope, and fo far abhorr'd the Latines, that if Latine Priefts did but celebrate at ' their Altars, their Greeks udg'd them defil'd, andwould not ufe them again, till they had wafh'd them ; yea, they rebaptizd thofe whom the faline Priefts baptiz'd. And they once a year excommunicated the Popes long, and they owed not Tranfubftantiation And they, with the .Aba Ines, .Armenians, and all such others, were three or four timer more than the Papifis. 2. Andwho may not eafily know that a Pope, and fuçh a Council cáll'd General, are, not the Weftem vifible Church, real or representative ? It's not unlikely that forty to one might be againft them. King yehñs Ambaffador was one of the Confenters, who than was in Conteft againft Stephen Langton Archbishop ofCanterbury and to conquerhis own Lordsand Kingdóm, gave his Kingdom to the Pope, and took it as from him. And if filch a King had the choice of Bithops, they would no more reprefent the Church there, Shan he and his Court reprefented the Kingdom,when he gave it away,and fought againft it a and thofe Bishops that the Popenhofe did as little reprefent ir, being more the Meffen. gets of hisWill than of the Churches : And how few Bnhops were in fach Councils, be., fides thofe that the Pope made or contented to? When he and the Emperours Henrys were in War, the EmperoursBithops condemtid the Pope's, and the Pope's Bithops condemnd the Emperours, and these Servants oftwo Men in power were not the Reprefenters of the Church. Themultitude of lower quiet Bithops, Paltors and People, were the vifible Church, more than England was a vifible Kingdom diltinat from K. pa's Court;" for the Pope was but an ufurpiag Head, which that King then was not. Obj. Then youmake two VifibleChurches in Europe. .Anfw. Yes; Chrift had one diffus'd over the World; and the Pope made another; by Ufurpation and Rebellion, which was Regnam in Regno, as any Rebel might do that could get Strength, to fet up aParty in power, to call him King, in tome part ofa King. dom. Such an Antichriftianity as this, I make no doubt but the Papacy did become guilty of, and none that owneth it as filch, and reeeiveth their Mark, can be innocent, but are con- demn'd by plainer Evidence than darkProphecies ; but I will not therefore fay the fame of all, from .Anne 304. (or any other) that iivd before this contra&ed Guilt, tho' too many, at Remeand other Countries, prepar'd the way ; nor yet ofall call'd Papifls, who own not the Crimesand Chata&ers of fach men, and much lets ofall the vifible Church in any one Age ; and leaft of all the VifibleChurch, lance 304, or thereabouts. The World hall already feeñ a great deal of publick Sin àñd lmillry, in and by the Emperours of Pa- gans, Mthomerans and Chriftiens, conquering andbeing conquer'd, turning and overturning; Thousandsand Hundred thousands murderd, &c. more than I can find mention'd in Daniel Er the Revelations. In this Judgment I am (in. Pain and Languithing) waiting for my Change, and Hope of a World where all is expounded, and all Wickednefs, Malignity, and Divisions shut out, and Holiuefs, Love and Concord perfe &ed, and all per &ly pleas'd in pleating fsod. And as I can eafily bear the Reproach of thofe that accule nie for no better under. Banding the Revelations, and of all that accule me of being either too little againft Po- pery and Antichrist, or too mach, being shortly to be above the ignorant Obloquy of all Extreams , fo, Readers, I earneftly advife ou, that you never take Fa&ion for Re. ligion, nor Lying or betraying Truth, for its Defence: Let them prove that Popes have not been Antichrifis that can, it's none of mywork. But ifyou are never fo Cure that it is he indeed, pull him not down by calling Truth, Duty, or things lawful, Antichriftian s nor by telling men, that all Proteftants are idolaters or Antichriftian, if they forfake not the Communion of all our Parochial Proreflant Churches, and of all other Reform'd Chur. ches that are as bad as they, that the Papifts may re-enter into them as deferred Garr/. tons, and find no refinance : Nor by telling theWorld, that all our Laws againft Popish Recufancydo punish them for not doing an unlawful thing. which all Proteftants thould refute as weil as they. This is no likelier a way ;9 pull down Anticllrift, that racking au