An 1lcívertifer,aent. and tearing the.Rgformed Churches by unlawful Snares, and filenciog the faithful'ft lters'of s:hrilt. Hut. above all, begin nor the Papal Antichriftianity with the beginning of the ChriftiansDeliverance by Can/lamina, no too foon; nor feign it to be univerfal Read fuch- Books as jewel, Rover, Blonde!, Pet. Moulin, Dalleue,tkc. If you are Scho- lars, which prove the novelty of Popery , and the confident Offer of the prefent Bilhop of Lincoln, Dr. Barlow, (' [IQ,Stranger to Antiquity or Books) that he will recant and turn to them. " Let them prove, by any fall and concluding Realms, that any " Chriftian Church in the World acknowlcdg'd, or the Church of Rome her fèlfaffum'd, and publickly pleaded for, 'filch a Papal Supremacy as now they pretend to, for a " Thoufàand Years after our Bleflèd Saviour, and, for my own-part, I will confefs and re- 0' _trait my Error. o Let them prove bÿ any filth concluding Reafon, that any Church in the World (ga- `" ]tern or Weitern, Greek or Latin) did acknowledge (what now the Pope .and his " Party fo eameftly and vainly contend for) the Pope's Infallibiliry, and his Supremacy " over all General Councils, for Elf/tell-hundred Yearsafter ourBleflèd Saviour,and for my " part, Iwill retráft what I have hereaffirm'd, and be ( what, I hope, I never fhalt be) their Profelyte., London, t 6 8 4; Nov. 12. Natali,loothorts, o iEtat. Pa yc. RICHAIZD BAXTE R.