Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

i Po.lfript. and the eighth Head was fo many hundred years before the firft Beaft and feverith Head, when the Office of thefe was to promote the Worfhip of the firft. X. Seeing the feven Heads are feven fortsof Supreme Power, and all of one Bean and one Baby/on ; and that Papal Rome, and its Civil Power, was fo many hundred years younger than Pagan Rome, evince it, that thePa- gan Six Governments were Heads ofPagan Rome, or elfe the Pope was the feventh and eighth Headof Papal Rome; or elfe that Pagan and Papal Em- pire were but one, tho' of different Species of Idolatry, and of many hun- dred years defiance from each other. XI. Whether Papal Rome, which, If. Vows faith, is almoll confin'd to the Campus Martins, and fits not on half the Seven Hills ; nor (faith he) containeth above the two hundredth part of the old Rome'sground, be rather the City on (even Hills, than that whichJohn knew to be fuch in- deed. XII. Whether when rve differ about the Birth of the Papal Braft, fo much, that force begin him 304, fonrc 6o6, force near r r6o, force about 1 a,00, it will not fet us at as great difference about theThoufand Tears, the times of the Trumpets, Vials, &c. and about a great part of the Re- velations. XIII. Clear it up, that thofe Popes who clainfd not Univerfal Suprema- cÿ; Infallibility, or Power over Princes or Councils, were the two Beafts and Antichrift, as well as thofe that did. XIV. And that verily the two Beafis were hut one in two relations, Pope as Civil Emperour, and as the Church Supreme, tho' fo many plain words feem to make them two, and of two Orders andOffices. XV. And that really there were fix Supreme Powers at Rome, before Popes ; where four of the fix, if not five, were not fupreme, but under the Senate, which yet is made none of the fix. XVI. And that the Viuon pall over all the cafe, Sin, Idolatry, Perfe- cution of Pagan Rome, as far as is fuppos'd by molt with us. XVII. And that the two Witnelfes are Proteftants that never work Miracles, preaching down Popery, and are not the old Minifters, yew and Gentile, or E Bern or We/lern, preaching down Pagan Rome, tho' it be as certain as Hiftory can make it, that for Three hundred years Mira- cles against Paganifin were wrought, and when Dioclefian had kill'd them, God reviv'd' the teflimony of Miracles a hundred years after that, and then exalted the Preachers to another kind of Power. And the fpecial qualification of the Witneffesfeemeth to be Miracle-working, to confound Idolaters and Perfecutors, (tho' the particulars be nam'd in a Prophetical firain.) And we find Cypriean challenging the Pagans to come to their Affemblies with men poffefs'd by the Devil, and they Mould hear and fee them yield to the power -of Chrift, and acknowledge him : And Au- guffine, in his time, tells us of Miracles wrought in the open Church in his fight. And Sulpititts Severer, a learned godly man, and his Compa- nion, tells us of many that Martin wrought. And of Gregory r'aocafarien- fis Thaumaturgur, I think none denied it, (to pafs by many others.) And tho' Gregory of Rome, and Bede, and perhaps Sulpitir'4, and others before that, may over-magnife them, and upon falle reports may Add (as cre- dulous)