A Poifript. Mr. Baxter's own Account of the Caufe of his Inrprifon.. anent, left under his own Hand, to be Printed with this Paraphrafe. READER, . TT's like you have heard how I was for this Book, by the inftigationof 1 Sir Roger L'Eftrange and force of the Clergy, imprifon'd near two Years, by Sir Geo. Jefferys, Sir Francis Within, and the reft of the Judges of theKings bench, after their preparatory reftraints and attendants under the molt reproachful words, as if I had been the molt odious perron living, and not fuffer'd at all to fpeak for my felt; and had not the Ring taken off my Fine, I had continued in Prifon till death. Becaute many defire to knowwhat all this was for, I have here written the Eight Accu- fations, which (after the great Clergy fearch of my Book) were brought in as fed itious. I have alter'd never a Word accus'd, thatyou may know the worfi: What I faid of the Murderers of ChriIt, and the Hypocrite I'harifees, and their Sins, the Judge Paid I meant it of die Church ofEn- gland, tho' I have written for it, and foil communicate with it. The accus'd words are, The Paraphrafe, I. onMat. 5. 19. II. On Marl< 3.6. III. OnMark9. 39. IV. On Marl¿ t r.3I. V. On Marla a. 38, 39, 40. VI. On Luke so. z. VII. On John r r. 57. VIII. On Atfs r 5. z. Note, there were all : tho' a Reverend Doltor, that knoweth his own Name, put into their hands force Accufations out of Roar. 13, rjyc. as againft the sing, to touch my Life, bqt their Difcretion forbid .them toufe or name them. Rich. Baxter. INI S.