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Ch. 24. flntichr s. St. Matthew. Jerufalesn's elefi`rëff`lion. Ch.24 fuddenly appear From Heaven in Glory to all the World, as Lightning loth in a moment in theSkies. Note, Some Expoltors rather think, itfpeak- eth of his Cuidon delhc.ying ferufafem. 28. For wherefoever the carcafe is, there will the Eagles be gathered together. 28. And as for thefe forlorn Yews whole de- raved deftruotion is decreed of God they are as a Carrafè to the Eagles : the Roman Mef- fengcrs ofGod's Wrath will find them out. Note, Others expound it, [where the Gofpel is preached, thither will thepeople flock.] 29. Immediately after the tribu- lationof thofe days, Shall the fun be darkened, and the moon (hall not giveher light, and the fears Shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens fhall be Shaken. 29. N. Some expound this Metaphorically, of the overthrowor allthe Yevodh State, Power, Policie. Others, oftheRoman Wars and Coh- culfons. Others, properly, of dread£ l Pro.. digies that hall appear before Chriffs coming to Judgment. vel 2. gt. and 3. 15. 30. And then fhall appear the liign of the Son of man in heaven : and then fhall all the tribes of the earth mount and they (hall fee the Son of man coming in the clouds of hea- ven, with power and greatglory. ;o. As Tome, [Then the yews fhall be con. vine'd that their Deftrudion was Chrift's Re- venge for his Death, and Rejeiion ; and all the Tribes of their Land flail mourn, as if they had Peen Chrihcoming himfelf againh them in the Clouds, with Power andGlory.] As others, [The Sign of the Croft; flail appear to ConJlanrine in the Skie ; and all the Heathen Nations (hall mourn, and be eah. down ; and they Shall fee Chriít letting up his Kingdom, by imperial Arms, with Power and Glory.] As others, [Then 1haliChrih fuddenly appear from He-. ven, to judge the World, and come in the Clouds with Powerand Glory, to the griefand terror ofall the wicked.] Suppofing that Choft patted from the Deftrudion of ferufalem, to fpeak ofhis lath coming. 3 r. And he Baal] fend his angels with a- great foundofa trumpet, and they fhall gather together his eleft from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 31. Asfome, [He Shall gather the Believers in all yadea whom he laved from this Dchru- &ion.] As others, [He shall fend forth his A- pohles with the Gofpel, as a Trumpet, to call hi; Flight, if it Should fall outin the Winter,when the Weather will delay you ; or on a Sabbath- day, when the fees Jcruple Journeying ; or a Sabbath Year, when the Land unfilled beareth not Fruit. . 21. For then fhall be great tribula- tion, fuch as was not lince the be- ginning of the world to this time, no nor everfhall be. 22. And ex- cept thofe days Should be fhortened, there Should no flefh be faved : but for the eleEts fake thofe days fhall be Shortened. 21, 22. N. Thiswas mot dreadfully fulfil- led, as yofepha, who was then among them, bathfully written, i rc0000 killed,and 97000 Captives. 22. If thefe Slaughters by the Ro- mans fhould continue long, no Yews would be left alive. But God will fo far prefervethe Be- lieven, that their Armies shall hay but a little while. 23, Thén if any man fhall fay,un- to you, Lo here is Chrifb, or there : believe it not. 24. For there Shall arife falte Chrifls; and falfe prophets, and Shall Phew great liens and won= ders, infomuch that (if it were polli- ble) they Shall deceive the very e- left. 25. Behold I have told yoube- fore. 2 3, 24, 25. In this Desolation it will add to their mifery, that Falle Chrifts and Prophets fhallarife, and promife to deliver them, and lead them feather into fnares: And they !hall do fuch Signs and Wonders, as, if God did not prefetve them, would deceive the verycho- fen of God, the true Believers. But whatever fame you hear of fuck, believe it not : I have forewarned you. 26. Wherefore, if they (hall fay unto you,.Behold, he is in the de- fect, go not forth : behold, he as in the fecret chambers, believe it not. 26. Go not after any flitch Deceiver, where- ever they fay he is, thoughhe promife delive- rance. 27. For as the lightning cometla out of the eaft, and fhineth even un- to the weft : fo fhall alto the coming of the fon ofman be. 27. For as you muh look for no other Sa- viour ; fo my coming will not be fuch an ap- pearance in Fleflt, but by Heavenly Light lido- ing forth From the Haft unto the Wefttrn parts of the World, by my Word andSpirit, turning men frOm Darknefs toLight ; in preparation to my coating to Judgment, in which I will