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Ch .24: Chrift's coming. Sr. Matthew. Chrifat's Kingdom. Ch.z4 particular Judgment : (For Chrift fpake for ,ilnsoeation, It is of great moment, for the the Me of us all to the end, and not only for underftanding of this Chapter, and much of the few fe,ra that heard bin) Chrift's Gofpel, to know the true meaning 45- Who then is a faithful and of Clrifi Kingdom and his Coning. Tho oft wile fervant, whom his Lord hath he fpake diready of his daft coming to Judg- ment ; yet ordinarily" this lèemeth his meaning. made them over his heafon? , 46. His Kingdom is that Reign in Heaven and give re meat in due feafon ? <. Earth at once, whith he -was to ¢geode as Blefred is that ferva.nt , whom his the Meffiah, or God Incarnate, Staving Redeem - Lord when he cometh shall find fo ed loft Man. The little poor Nation of!fra- elites were his preuliar people bets¢: Upon his doing. Afcenfion, the Gentile World was to be Called, 4s, 46. And thofethat are faithful and wife and a Carholick Church gathered over the Teachers and Rills; of his Church, to give Earth, in a more excellent Covenant of peculi- thcm meet and be i::ftruetion, as food ariry ;and this Carholick Church, is the ICin for drat & ats, fhall be foundat their Lord'sco- tom of the Mcffiah : His corning, is not his mirg, B by labs, and their be fending his Enemies to deftroy feruflem; not gainers their labours and Sufirings. yet his 4itible Appearance in Perlon, (till Judg- 47. Verily I fay unto you that ment,) but his letting up this his Kingdom : his he (hall make him ruler over all his corning to Reign, that is, coerce`} this Catho- goods. lick Ch. rch : This is plainly expounded in 47. I tell you, filch Minitiers, (how poor Lrske, 17. 20, a t, 23. The Pharifeeademand- or clefpifed (hewer now by the world,) flail he ed, when the Kingdom of God fhould come ?He advanced to a fat greater dignity than their told them, The Kingdom of God cometh not perlent Paforal Unite, even to a pardcipiation with obfervation or outward 11æw, (by per - under Chrift of the nniverfal Government. fond viiible Appearance of the King, in Pomp 48. But arid if that evil 1trvant and Splendor , with a Court, as Monarchs Shall fay in his heart, My Lord de- rule) nor Shall they fay, Lo here, or Ls there ; (no Head, King, orCourt fhall be viliible r) for layette his coming: And fhall 49. behold, the Kingdom of God ìs in you, (or á- begin to finite hie f::liomr- fervants, along you :) It is a Spiritual Reign in Souls, and to eat and dr'nk with the denn_ and in the Church; ofwhich you have already ken fame beginnings. 24. For as the Lightning 4S, 49. But if any a(F me the Sacred Mi- that lighateth out of one part under the Hei- riltry, and Stall fly in his hear;, 'It is long ven, ¡Math to the oiler pare under Heaven, Since Chrift prossis-d to come ; and now his fo Mall alto the Son of man be in his Day: coming is tither uncertain, or will not be but Mt he mutt Puffer and be rejeLted ofthis in hale ; and thcr.":up e. Small indulge his {3tfh- Generation, dre. that is, when he bath Suffe- 1}' Lofts, and fhall awn a malignant abuicr of red and been Rejeîed, he will Rife, Afcend, his fellow- (wants, a:':d Perleeute, 'Silence, and fromHeaven lend hisSpirit and Word to and O+ refs them, and lee Itim(ilf up to the enlighten the World from Eaft to Weft, pleasure of his Appetite, in Feafting and and call aCadholickChurch amongf theGentiler, llrunk:ennefs and this is his Kingdom and Reign ; and this Generation flail not pals, till this Carholick 50. The Lord of that fervant Church he thus gathered, though not perfe6t- Ihali come in a day when he looketh rd. What elle can be meant by Christ's ma- not for him, and in an hour that he ny Parables, that the Kingdom of God is like is not aware of ; 51. And (hall Cut a grain of Mallard Seed. A little Leaven hid him afunder, and a 'Dint him his in Meal. A Field town, that after had Tares. pf' ANet call into the Sea, v.,'-c. \, sen the Ca- 'portion with the hypocrites : there tholick Church was made, Christ's Kingdom (hall be weeping and gnafhing Of came; and when his Kingdom came, he came teeth. as King to govern it, by his Spirit, Word, so. The Lord of that Servant will furprize and Minifters, Match. 2 I. 45. The Kingdom hint in his Sin and Security, when he Icaft of God, .(that is, the Church State of peculiarf- fufpeéteth it and will execute that vengeance ty) fhall be taken from you,' and given to a on hint, which is due to filch as aggravate Nation(Ate Gentile world) bringing forth the . their wickednefs, by Hypocrifie ; and make Fruit thereof: But the Perfe&ionof the King- him feel that as it is odious, io it is dreadful dom will be as lank. And as to the Time of to prophme Holy things. and to fight againft his Appearing for Judgment, it aloft fpecially holinefs in the name of Chrift, and at once be obferved, that he 'tells them, That it was to be a Miniilcr, a Wor".ling, a Senfual ff not known either toAngels,or to ir,mldf. And and a Perfecuter. ifChnit knew it not, (as mart) how prefump- locus