PARAPHRASE A ON THE jatt ti recitament, WITH NOTES! VoEtrinaland 7'radical, B Y PLAINNESS and BREVITY fitted to the Ufe of Religious FAM I LI ES, in their daily Reading of the Scriptures ; and of the Younger and Poorer fort of Scholars and Miniflers, who want fuller Helps. With an Advertifementof Difficulties in the REVELATIONS. By the Late Reverend Mr. R I CHA RD BAXTER. Vac2Ibttti enitttott QCoge taa. To which is added at theEnd, Mr. Baxter's Account ofhis Notes on forne particular Texts, for which he was huprifon'd. Jofh. 24. r 5. Chafe you this day whomyou will f rve, bat tis for me and my hou/ë, we willferve the Lord. LONDON, Printed for C. pat:i$ijtti°tf, at the Bible and ThreeCrowns at the lower -end of heapfde; ea, and lobn '= pgM, at the'Bell inLittle-Britain ; 3, Zoplo at the Ship,and 3. Cl9 t) at the Role, in St. Paul's Chrrchyard. J701.