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Ch. z6. Chrif St. Matthew. apprehended. Ch. 26. and my Con(entto fuffer : Therefore thy Will, 48. Now he that betrayed him, and not my fimple Volition be done. gave them a figs, faying, Whomfo- +a. And he cometh unto the dif- ever I shall kifs, that fame is he, hold ciples, and findeth them afleep, and him fail. 49. And forthwith he faith unto Peter, What could ye not came toJefus, and Paid, Hail mailer? watch with me one hour ? 4r and kifíed him. 5 o. And Jefus laid Watch and pray, that ye enter not unto him Friend , wherefore art into temptation, the fpirit indeed is thou come? Then came they, and willing, butthe flefh is weak. laid hands on Jefus, and took him. 40, 44. (vote, Chrift was to have no füp- 48, &C. Nate, r. Hypocrites cruelty is exer- port from man in his Sufferings. 2. Sleeping, cited under the name òf Friehdthip. How ma- when we fhould Watch and Pray is a fault, ny thoufand perfecute Chrift in his cauCe, and but fuch a one as may Rand with Grace. 3 Servants, on pretences of Faith, Religion,- Or- Watching and Praying is God's means appoint- der, and Enmity to Sin ? 2. It's a pitiful fight ed to fave men from, and in Temptation. 4. to feepoor ignorant people in obedience to Rs- TheSpirit of the ,Faithful is willing to do more 1ers persecuting Chrift, to their own ddtru&i- good than they are able. s. TheFlelhin faith- on ? as ifit were he and his Servants, th_t' ful Men, may prevail againft the Spirit in lins were their dangerous Enemies. ofnatural infirmity, for a time, though not in Sr. And behold one of them gtöls Sins, in the defign and bent of heart and life. 6. Ghrilttenderly exeufeth his Servants which were with Jefus, (retched out infirmities. his hand, and drew his fword, and `;i 4a. He went away again the fe- ílroke a fervant of, the high priefls, cond time, and prayed, laying, O and finote off his ear. my Father, if this cup may not pals st. Natural inclination to defence, and love away from me, except I drink it,thy to Chrift, overcame Peter's confideraion and will be done. patience. 42. Irefgn my will to fttbmit to thine, and 52. Then laid Jefus unto him, Idefineto Uhl it, for which t came ¡n pi0ul,, Put up again thy fword into his 43. And he came and found them Place : for all athey that take the afleep again : for their eyes were fword, 111411 perish with the fword. heavy. 44. And he left them, and 32. Put up thy Sword, and let us patiently went away again, and prayed the fubmit toviolence : For as none mutt are the Sword, without juft Warrant and Authority ; third time; laying the fame words. fo usually they that fight for themfelves,arede. 43. 44. Oft !peaking the fame things in ftroyed, and Cuffer more than they that pa,- Prayer, is meet for them that have the Came tientlyendure Violence and Injuftice. caul s and wants. Note, Chrift doth not in there words make 45 Then cometh he to his difci- all tilfdefence, or War unlawful, but he doth pies, and faith unto them, Slee on more than forbid unwarrantable fighting ; p meaning, that not only unlawful refiftance of now, and takeyour, reíl ; behold, the Power,and Revengebut even Wars and fighting hour is at hand, and the Son of man againft Injuries and Enemies ufually haften is betrayed into the hands ofsinners. Death and increafe Men's Sufferings. And there - 44. Rife, let us be going : behold; fore they fhquld forerhink whether War, he is at hand that Both betray me. or Patience, be like CO do more hurt. 47. And while he yet fpake, lo, Ju- 53 Thinkefl thou that I cannot das, one of the twelve came, and now pray to myFather, and heíhall with him a great multitude, with presently give m? more than twelve fwords and ílaves, from the chief legions ofangels . s g. Nate, t. Angels are ready to ferve prieíls and elders ofthe people. Chrift at his defrre. 2. It Should Stop our im- 4S, 46, 47. Mae, To be hunted to death parient thoughts of rathand unlawful frlf-de. by theChief Prietta and Rulers, to have a'mul- fence, to think, that God can 'otherwise deli- tirade tea;y to fèrve them in it with armed. ver us. Violence, ro be betrayed by One of his Dilci. - i he fcr ples> and forfákrn by the t.(t, was the cafe 54. But how then íhall t P of Chrif'sSOfcring, in which we mutt be pre- tunes be fulfilled, that thus it mull pared to follow him. be ? 54. N. We