·BAXTER'S POEMS. 127 They are surprised with unexpected love, · Grace feasts, forgives them, bids them\velcomehome. Now th.e returned soul doth dwell with God, And God in him, for there his spirit dwells ; God hath his highest love, Heaveri his chief hope, Christ is his life ; he trusteth to none else. 0 how much better is it with him now ; How Wise, how safe, to what he was before! What he's yet short of, faith hath in its view; He '11 choose the way of sin and Hell no more. Now farewell.mortal sin, stoop brutish flesh, Now pride and lust come down, submit to faith; Farewell ensnaring sports and company, Farewell deceit, I'll hear what scripture saith. Now all is new, new judgments, love and life, New hopes, delights, a new intended end; The means then must be new, or better used ; New friends, new thoughts, and all that to it tend. But yet; though out of Egypt he be come, Throu·gh the Red Sea, he's in a wilderness· ; Faith must be tried by many enemies, Hard journeys, wants, 9.elayed hopes, distress. And flesh still strives, Satan still busy is, The world will tempt, sin 's not quite overcom_e ; Dark fears and unbelief do yet hang on, We are in hope, but are not yet at home. But yet we have the leading fire and cloud, The law, the·angels' presence as ·we pass ; Moses fell in the .wilderness; but there The,T~mpter by.our Saviour van,quish' d was.