152 BAXTER'S POEMS, Aud if we knew which power to obey, ·which be the canons, which so needful are ·~ If some, who knows them.? if all, then are they More necessary than God's Scriptures far. Christ hath the terms of church-communion made; These wiser men, who make so many more, \Yill shortly find their legislative trade, Among their greatest sins set on their score. Baptism Christ made, what was there to require? The church still knew, and by God's mercy knows, The words then us'd, the requisites desir'd Scripture and sure tradition fully shews. The church by baptism was specified, Christ did command all such to love each other ; Holy communion was to none denied, All were to take a Christian as a hrother. Till by some heresy or great 'offenee, He brought his covenant-keeping c:>ut of doubt; And having added pro,v'd impenitence, \Vas not so much cast as declared out. None were baptized into· Peter'·s name, Much less to general council or the Pope ; They had one God, one Christ, their creed the same, One spirit, body, and one future hope. But as the serpent tempting Eve at first, By pride and ·promis'd knowledge did man kill , So from the pure simplicity of Christ, By promis'd wisdom, he befools man still. rto know this subject better read a book, Call'd the remains of fulk Grevile, Lord Brook.