Baxter - HP PR3316 .B36 1821

170 DAXTER'S POEMS~ All ys sure and seen to him, Which I here grope for. Lord Jesus, take my spirit: I trust thy love a:nd merit~ Take home this wand'ring sheep, For thou hast sought it: This soul in safety keep, For thou hast bought it. Amen. Deeember 19, 1682. THE VALEDICTION. VAIN world, what is in _thee? What do poor mortals see Which should esteemed be, Worthy th€ir pleasure? Is it the mother's womb, Or sorrows which soon come, Or a dark grave and tomb Which is tl:eir treasure r How dost thou man deceive By thy .vain glory; Why do they still believe Thy false _hist<?ry ? Is 't childrenys book and rod, 'The lab'rerr's heavy load, Poverty under-trod - The world desireth ? Is it distracting cares, Or heart-tormenting fears, Or pining grief and tears, Which man requiretl1 ?