BAXTER'S POEMS. Our narrow minds see here and there a letter, Not rightly placed, and therefore read no better We make the events of this day our sorrow, Because we know not what will be to-morroW. Things present, past, and future ; old and ne"v, Thou seest entirely with one single view. Thou seest all at home that's understood : Loving thyself thou lovest all that's good. Goodness itself, and perfect excellence, Transcending human reason, will, and sense; Good in thyself, and to thyself alone, Before thou wast to any creature known. Blest in thy own eternal pleasing sight; Thy own eternal love, thy own delight. Those that can find in thee no greater good, 3 Than that thou giv'st them life, and health, and food, And bountifully from thy ample treasure Blessest thy creatures with desired pleasure, Set up themselves and do the worst they can, To make themselves the Gods, and thee the man. They that can love thee but for loving them, ยท .'Make thee the casket, .and themselves the gem. To love thyself, is infinitely better, Than if love made a world of worlds its debtor. Thy own perfections by attraction move, As the chief formal object of man's love. Though our own good we may, and must intend ; Thy simple goodness is man's chiefest end. They that deny this, never knew love's force, Which to mere excellence hath its recourse Or never well considered love's end, Which unto good, for goodness' sake doth tend .