BAXTER,S POEMS. He made thy word searchirtg and sharp·, Yet [sweet and J pleasant to our taste ; He made thy service Our deUght, Make it [yet more J so to the last. 0 thou that art this holy fire, Inflame our souls for [thy own J praise Thou who dost love and joy inspire, Keep [these in J vigour from decays. 167 PRAISE FOR REMISSION OF SIN, AND JUSTIFICATION. BLEST is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not guilt of [any J sin, Nor calls him to a strict account What he hath [thought and] done and been. Conscience permits us not to think That any [of us] faultless are, Who then can rigorous justice bear At God,s most righteous [ dteadful] bar. But bless,d be our Redeemees grace, Who before [rigm·ous J justice stood; Did pay our debt, our guilt deface, And wash,d us in his [p1·ecious] blood. No guilt of sin was found on him: His soul and life were [wholly J pure : All righteousness he did fulfil, And for man,s sin [the cw·se J endure.