llAXT~R'S POEM~. 169 Unpardon'd sinners bear thy wrath, And never see thy [pleased J face · The true believer pardon bath, Justified by thy [saving] grace. - Ye angels which in Heav'n rejoice, When [humbled] sinners turn to (jod, Praise ye the-Saviour of the churcq, Who wasbeth it in [ cle«nsing] blood. Seeing the Lord of love doth choose Mercy [not wrath] to glorify ; Give him the glory of his grace, [Man lives] let not God'-s praises di~. Deliverance here is but beg~n, When Christ [from death J shaU siimers rais~, His grace and we then p~rfected, We'll perfectly s~ng [his high] praise. PRAISE FOR CHURC~-PROVIDENCE. LoRD, though thy church in this dar~ world Do but begin [and learn] thy praise ; Accept both it and us through Christ, - Till it [and us] thy glory raise. Here troubling sin resists thy grace; Of !Joy and J sorrow we partake : Our broken hearts and broken peace, - [Can none J but broken music make. But enemies make thy power known ; Occasion [th,y great] victpries ;