Baxter - HP PR3316 .B36 1821

17'1 Whether help come betime, or late, That's [good jo1·] health, which crosseth ease. Sometime thy work is done in peace, Help'd oh by [godly] magistrates; And then thy church doth much increase, · And far [and nem·] itself dilates. Then worldly hypocrites creep in, Much vermin [the wm·m J sunshin~ breeds,; And these corrupt the church by sin, Till [it a J reformation needs. Rich men their wealth to God devote : [Princes] Christ's ministers advance ; This proves for pride and flesh a bait ; These cherish [sin and] ignorance. The. worst men IllOflt love wealth and pride, The strongest love [ wi~l] seek [them] most These seekers do the prey divide, An~ so ·the donor 's [will is] cross ' J . Thus Satan by this after-game Wins [often] more than by his first, And doth his work in Christ 's own name : [He J chooseth church guides [oJJ the worst. Then ravening wolves sheep's clothing wear, [ HU'rtjul] black souls appear in white : Christ's flocks none more than shepherds fear , [l¥lw are J call'd angels of the light. When lust on ·things devoted feeds, And sin corrupts God's [church and] word: The church a purgatory needs, And sacrilege [ unsheatlts J God'.o;; sword. K 2 .