176 BAXTER'S POEMS . By promise of false [seijisll] light Thus [sin and] misery began. . When sin had blotted nature's book, And blind~d [wretched] sinners eyes, ·wisdom and mercv condescend To reach [the ch,urch] by prophecies. Beginning with a smaller light, Increasing still tiU [peifect] day : Christ by his gospel shining bright Shews man God's will and [holy] way. God's laws and prophets made the Jews Excel the Gentiles' [wisdom] far; But above them by greater light [We] Christ ians [now] advanced are. Glad news from God to undone man Even [holy] angels preached then, Glory to God in highest heav'ns, [On em·th] peace, and good will to men, Christ was a preacher of this word ; His Spirit did [the same J endite : He sent apostles through the world, ..... His word to preach and [then to] write. This teacheth man to know his God . This [clearly J doth .reveal his will, 'fells us all needful saving truth, [Surely J to know both good and ill. Here are essentials, integrals, [And due] adjuncts for ornament, Christ's full and universal law, His [ft·ee and] gracious covenant .