180 BA.XTER'S PQEMS. Even in their weakness God is seen, Much niore w1Ien they by [grace] are whole. [f Christ had made no better men Than formal [ christian J hypocrites Who differ not from infidels, Save by set tasks, and [outward] rites. Who'd take him for a saviour, then, Who doth [man ls soul] no better save ? That he the best physician is Whose pa~ients no more [ltealirzg] have? We praise the Lord, who :r;nade us see God's image is [on man J restor'd, Which helps us t}rmly to believe, Christ's [saving] office and sure word, We thank thee, Lord, that quic"kening gr~e, Doth make dead sinners [rise] and live, It's salt to th\s corrupted earth, Light to the [darken'd] world doth giye; And though men's slanders and our sin, Do cloud its [glory J for a while : Thou wilt soon scatter all these clouds : Thy [pleased] face on ~swill smile. WE bless thee for that saving _light, Which we from these [thy lights J have had . Their quickening wonls, their warning love, Reviv'd our hearts, when [cold and] sad. Thy grace is like,a fervent fire, It war~s or burn~ . all r that 'is J nigh ;