10 BAXTER'S POEMS, I wondered men could Jive so carelessly, Ready to pass into eternity ! And 0 how easily could I confute All that against a holy life dispute ! I wondered at myself that staid so long, So little touch'd with argum·ents so strong! Laughing and playing, as if all were well, For aught I knew, near to the brink of Hell. I marvell'd at my former senselessness ! .My sin and mise~y I did confess. And now what horrid darkness on my mind, Never before lamented, did I find ! Sin was like sickness in my flesh and bone, Which on,ly by the book before was known. Christ's office now I better understood, The need my soul had of his cleansing blood . , How insufficient of myself I was, To bring my own deliverance to pass : Now I began to feel as well as see, How near the word of grace concerned me = That all means else in Heaven and earth were ,·ain, .My peace with God, and pardon to obtain. To whom else should my sinful soul have gone? But for my Saviour, I had been undone. Oh my dear God ! how precious is thy love ! Thus thou prepar'st us for the life above. Theheav'nly powers which mademyheart to quake .My prison bonds and doors did open shake. Sin now was-folly, villany, and sham·e : God, Heav'n, Christ, holiness seem not the sam~: How thou would'st use me, yet I did not know, Whether my sin thou would'st forgive, or no: