BAXTER'S POEMS . To be the highest interest of the soul; There to command, and all things else controul. Thus must the little spark of fire be blown, Or else it will not flame, nor scarce be known; New'-lighted candles, darken'd by the snuff, Are ready to go out with every puff: So it was long before the heav'nly spark Conquer'd my snuff, and shined in the dark : My feeble new-born soul began with crying : My infant-life did seem to me still dying : Betwixt supporting hope, and sinking fears, My doubting soul did languish many years. 0 my dear God ! how precious is thy love ! Thy troubling motions tend to rest above. 13 Thus grace like nature entereth in a seed; Which with man's labour, heav'nly dews must feed. Whose virtue and first motions no eye sees, But after comes to ripeness by degrees : Our father's tender love doth much appear, When he with useless crying babes can bear : When'we the household's grief and trouble are; He shews the more his patient nursing care. At first I wish'd that I could pray and weep : Thus when I could not go, I learn'd to creep : Then thou began'st to loose my infant tongue; And taught'st me, Abba, :Father, when but young; First by the book, and some unworded groans ; After by heart-endited words and moans. Thy diet first was milk, the1i stronger food : But always that which wholesome was and good. Though preachers were too often dry and dull, Thy holy word was quick and powerful: