BAXTER'S POEMS. And I would wind up all the strings as high As blessed Paul was in his ecstacy. Heav'nly love should all my words indite, And be the soul and sense of all I write : My heart of love's delight should sweetly think, I'd write with flaming fire instead of ink: And yet thy holy day should be my best, In it my thirsty soul should taste of rest ; · My daily food should increase to a feast. , 0 my dear God! how precious is thy love ! 0 could I mount thus to the flames above! These are love's pantings after thee, my God! Though with my soul imprison'd in a clod! My soul and love shall shortly be set free ; And then my soul, my love shall feast on thee. If thou would'st grant the very thing I crave, And give me leave to choose what I would have ; Should it be lusts, or sports; or fleshly pleasure? Should it be lordly rule, or earthly treasure? No; I could gladly leave this di'rt to swine, And let the world be theirs, if thou be mine! I would not thirst to taste of their delight. If lively faith might ~ee the blessed sight! I would not be ambitious of a throne ! I could have full content in God alone. For men's esteem and praise I would not care: All other wit and knowledge I could spare : 17 To know and love my God should be my choice : Give me but this, and how shall I rejoice! Under my hand, Lord, this is it I choose: 0 gh'e me this, whatever else I lose.