32 BAXTER's POEMS~. I saw more clearly than I did before, What lies on an ungodly sinner's score: Forwhatman'spowersweremade, whatisthei'ruse; To what all means and mercies do conduce : What is man's business while he's here below; How much his creatures to their maker owe; Whether the saint or brute be in the right? Whether it's best to live by faith or sight; What is true wit., what learning's most sublime; How I and all should value precious time; I saw it's not a thing indifferent, Whether my soul to Heav'n or Hell be sent. Death also further taught me how to pray, And made me cry unto thee every day; It set me on the trying of my state, Lest I should prove deceived when 'twas too late. Often and carefully I search'd my heart, Whether in Christ by faith I had a part . It shew'd me so much work to do at home, 'rhat alien, needless matters found small room. It curb'd my pride, and buried my ambition; Made me not only bear a low condition, But choose it; and all things to estimate, " As God, my soul, and Heav'n should set the Fate. For now, as clearly as I saw the sun, I saw in lines which they may read that run, That endless things are all, when we compare,_ And transitory trifles nothing are : That worldlings in their sleep do talk and go, And all their lives are but a dreaming shew; Only the true believer lives awake, And doth not spend his days in mere mist~ke .