Baxter - HP PR3316 .B36 1821

54 BAXTER'S POEMS. 1:ove is their kingdom it's a word oflove, Which they were hatch'<l for by the holy dove. Here he is kindling the celestial fire, Which knows its rise, and doth to God aspire; God who is all, shall there have all my store; And yet my friends have not the less, but more : Love is now panting, groaning in my breast . Love will be then my soul's eternal feast. Love now salutes us in the gospel story : But then eternal .love will be our glory. Up then, my soul, and swiftly heavenward tend, Where love shall have no check, no bounds, no end. ON DAVID'S PSALMS. MY God! since first thy love this heart did touch, It saith, I cannot love my God too much. It looketh up, and panteth for that grace, Which may exalt it, and unveil thy face. parkness and distance are its grievous chains; Sad doubts and fears do feed its griping pains. It sighs, and wonders thou canst be so strange; Where thou hast fr~ely made so great a change, Long it bath search'd in hope to find the art, To raise and warm a dull and heavy heart ; And now I find it practised by one, That now is pJ;aising thee before thy throne. Here are the sacred words: here's David's lyre: But where's the quick'ning celestial fire? I know the eye of Heav'n is on my heart : God looks my s~ul shoul~ bear t~e c~iefest part .