Baxter - HP PR3316 .B36 1821

,74 HAXTER's ' POEMS. He did in love begin, Renewing thee by grace, Forgiving all thy sin, Shew'd thee his pleased face . He did thee heal, · By his son's merit, .. And by his spirit, For glDry seal. .In saddest thoughts·and grief, · In sickness, fears, and ·pain, I cried for his relie(, And it was not in vain. He heard with speed;: And still I found Mercy abound, In time of need. · Let not his praises grow· On prosperous heights alone; But in the vales below, Let his great love be known ... Let no distress, Curb and·controul My winged soul, And praise suppress. , Let not the fear or smart Of his chastising rod, Take off my fervent heart, From praising my dear God& Whate'er i feel, Still let me bririg This offering, An,d to him kneel.