To theReader. the loweft form, thoughnot to be a Learned ac- curate man: The titleof the Book is rough ac- cording to thedefign. In the Conferencewith the Malignant I have brought inonly fuch objections, as are now molt commonly ufed, and therefore whi ch the ignorant moll; need our help againft. I have two things that fome Readers will think need an excufe: T. That I. have put, in the fixth dares Cón rence,'two fheets of Inftruetions pu® b!ifhed hertofore. Which I did, becaufe fuch fmall things alone are cart away and loft ; and becaufe I would neither write oftener than is needful, the ,fame things, nor yet omit fo. necef fary-a part.. I I. T1 A I-have publithed forms ofPrayer and catechizim' : But I havenot now fo little to do, as to confute their conceits, who think fuch forms tobeunlawful or unufeful. But that they alenot bettertdone, I confefs doth need more excufe than I can give you. I expeé that the Carechithi fhould iatisfie but few ; for neither it nor any that ever I faw cloth -fully fatisfie my felf. Ìt°is harder than moll think to fuite the words' both `Co the Matter and to theLearners. Had I ufed fewer words, I muff have left out fome of theneceliary matter. Had I ufed more, I had overmatched the memories of the weaker fort. Themore Ignorant any one is, the more . ords his i!nde3fl ndin neèdcth, ànd the fi wee r cis his;. 4I '.nosy nrea,': t ï : :and t447ho c:in KIVe the