Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

86 t»e pooh onefamílp 'toot. a priviledge that you may take a leale of Lands for your Childs life as well as your own, and make him a Party in the Covenant, and bind him to pay the Rent, though he underftand it not ? And if at age he think he is wronged, he may quit his part in Chrift and Heaven when ever he pleafe. S. Rut I perceive by my own cafe, we fhould do it morefenfbly,i fweLaid till we underhand what we do. P. 1. Your Parents fhould be as fenfible when they dedicate you to God, though you could not z. And your former baptifmhindreth not your perfonal Co- venanting now as underffandingly and fenfibly as if you never had been baptized before. All men are prone to outíidenefs and formality, even about Gods own inftitutions. 'Too great ftrefs is laid by many forts upon the (o) outward waffling, who weigh not enough the nature of theCovenant : Though you may not be Baptized again, you may as ferioufly and folemn- ly again Covenant with God ; even the fame Covenant which you nude in Baptifm : And it is the fame which is Bill renewed in the Lords Supper. So that it did yeu rio harm to be baptized in Infancy : Though you have been fo Gnful as to negleci the due confìderation of it, youmay nevetthelefs upon your repentance re- new the fame Covenano : And the fame Covenant will give you the fame benefits, though you be not rebapti- fed. Therefore now let to it, not only as if you had never done it before ; but with double humiliation and lerioulnefs, as be+eemelh one that made and broke it. S. Haveyouany more tofay to me-about it ? (0) t yyPeta, :2 t. eì;° afa, z 4. rC,u. JGh9?GAV á'."Yesi