ebt Pow ano famíip Zook. 87 P. Yes: I mull before let you know, in what man ner it is that this Covenant muff be made, if you will be a Chriflian indeed, and have the benefits. 1. You muff content to the Whole Covenant of God, and not only to fome part : you muff be (p) devoted, to your Creator, your Redeemer and your Sanctifier : you muff take himfor your Owner, your Ruler, and your Saviour : you muff be willing to be fanc`fified as well as pardoned, and to be Paved from fin, and not only from punithment. 2. You muff underhand all the terms well, and count your coils, and reckon upon taking up the Crofs and denying your felf, and forfaking all this World in Heart and Refolutton for Chrift, and take God and Heaven for your whole portion, and refolve to flick to God if you have nothing elfe, and if you meet with never fo much tribulation in the world. You muff be- lieve that Heaven is as fore as ifyou faw it, and take that and the necefl'ary means thereto for all your part, and not reckon upon cafe, pleafure, profat or fafety to the flefh. 3. You muff Covenant Abfolutely without any fe.. rrer (q) exceptions or referves: If you fecretly keep areferve in your heart, that you will come to Chrift but upon trial, and that you will be Religious as far as will nand with your profperity and fafety in the world, and fo you may not be undone : If you except fecretly either honour, efate or life, which you refolve not to lay down if Chrift require it, you then play the Hypocrite, and lofe all. (p) Mat.z8.19,20.& ii.z8.Ltik;t9.2,7.kcrn.1 .9- Eph.I.2z.Luk; 14.26,to the end. kon,. 8. 17. Mat. 13- 46. 6.19,2,o. (q) Lrakc 14.26533. G 4