Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

Ittp Jooq ipano JatniLp Zook. 97 I pray you tell me truly, Do you think that he that bath truly Repentedofhis cardefs. ignorant, worldlyt proud, flefhly life, and hath forfaken it, or he tha, bath yet all this finunrepented of to anfwer for, is like. to live the quieter life ? Iffin be the way of peace, how did it drown theworld ? Howdid it kill Chrift ? How doth it caufe Hell ? Then you may fay alto, that poy- fon, and wounds, and breaking our bones, and fick- neff, are the way to the bodies eafe. I pray you, Sir, yet anfwer me chefe two queftions. Doyou not believe in your Confcience that a truly penitent godly man, that hath fpent his dayes chiefly in layingup a treafure in Heaven, is liker to die in hope and peace, than a carelefs flefhly worldly man ? z. And may not he live in the greateft ,peace, who will die in the greateft peace ? is not that courfe the fitteft to give us peace in health, which is ñttcft to give us peace in ficknefs ? And will you tell me What is the quiet and fober Re- ligion which you are for your felf? "El. It i. to love God and my Neighbour, and do " c as I would be done by, and to go to Church, and " fay my prayers,and when I. have finned Repent and " cry God mercy, and craft in Chrift, and fo be quiet) "and troublemy felfno further. P. You have faid a great deal in a few words. But Ihope you donot think thatfaying this will fave them that do it nor. Give me leave then to go over all parti- cularly. i. If you Love God, you will Love his (i) Laws, and his Government and his Service and his Ser- vants, andyou will Love to pleafe him, and you will (igobn i.g.. z5,33., I johny. 3, Fi long /