Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

o? lac xNoNgDano Zo[A. from you, but would be content to Rand with your pooreft Servants. But when it is a bufinefs that Gods truth and holinefs, and mens Salvation, and my mini- fterial fidelity lyeth on, it is Cowardife and bafe trea- chery, and not civility, todefert the truth for want of (m) plain dealing. I hope you know that not only the Prophets and Apoflles, but Ball, Chryfoftom, Am- brofe and fuck others have dealt much plainlier with Etnperoùrs than I have done with you : And Gild& fpake homelier of theBrittifb Princes and Nobility. As long as you may ufe us at your pleafure,youmay give us leave to (peakaccording to our Mafters pleafure. For we do not fear but at laif he will bear us our. El. It is the trick ofyou all to claw the vulgar,by "accufingthe Gentry and Nobility of oppreffion, yea and you would fay as much by the King htmfelf ifyou " durf}. P. The wort} I wifh you, Sir, is but that you would go nove and then into the houles ofthe poor , and fee how they live ., And that you would read over Luk. z z. and Luk. 16. and Tam.q.. and 5. and Mat.25. and try to write your felt a Commentary on them. And that you would remember how you mutt leave this world, and what comes next. "El. It is Inch as you that fet up Levellers; You "would have Rich and Poor live all alike . And we " mufl: fare and go no better than they, nor live at more eafe. P. No Sir : But Death will fhortly play the Leveller with you, and call away your foul, and turn your (m) Ifa.58.r. & 1.7,S. Matth.16.26, 28, 3 t. FLb. z 3.6. fíefl2