I0 2 terbQ19eo? C& an"z aniL1p 'Zoòk heart to think ofthegreater bufinefs of their fouls : And many are fo tired with their exceffive labour, that when they Mould pray or read a Chapter or iñtrue`t their families, 'either they have no time, or they are pre- fently with wearinefs àfleep : yea tired on the Lords dayes, with the week-dayes-labour. 3. And wort of all, they cannot fpare their Children from work while they learn to read, though I offer them to pay thé Schoolmafter my 'felf : Much lefs have they time'to Catechife and teach them. So that poverty caufeth a generation of Barbarians in a Chriftian happy Land: You would forgive my boldnefs, if you underfood the fadniefs' and finfulnefs of all this : and that fomè Rich'men that have caufed fuel] things is thefe, do now want thcmfelves adrop of water to cool their tongues. But all this is by a digteflion. Ipray you tell me next; What that- is which you accufe me of, as over trouble- forne to my Neighbour, or to the world, in my :Doftrine El. I have told you It is difquietingmens Còna c fciences. P. But what is it that I fair amifs to difquiet them ? El. Youwould make them believe that God made us to damn us, and make bis mercy as narrow as . your Conceits P. Doyou not think that (p) Tome Mall be damned for their fins ? And that God heft knoweth who'? And that he bell knoweib how to ufe his own mercy ? And that we'tnuff believe his word ? If you think that All Mall be fared, fpeak out, and let us hear your proof, If nor; tell me to whoth l'deny Salvation that God athprpmifed it to (o)2Me I.7,8,9,I9.: & 2óI I3I20