104 'fie pooh .ran Jamitp ?Zook thefe. He that liveth by faith, forefeeth Heaven open all the way : And fuch a fight doth cool my appetite to fports O precious Tine! How fearful am I left thou wilt be gone, 'before my faith be ftrengthned, my hope confirmed, my Love tò God increafed, and my preparation made for death and judgement ; O what hearts are in thole men that can fee Time palling, Death coming, God prefene, Judgement andEternity at hand, and yet fit needlefly at Dice or Cards or Idle recre- ations ! Have weno more to dowith Time ? I fpeak not againif needful Recreations which fit us for an or- dinary laborious Calling,as whetting loth the Mowers Sithe. But wó to them that raft away to fhort and precious Time, in fooleries and idlenefs, which is all that ever theyMall have to prepare for their everlaft- ing State. And I muff tell you too Sir, that I need not fuch pleafures q The word of God, and the forefight of eternal Glory afford me better ; fo much better, that thefe ftink in cotnparifon ofthem. But yet Sir, It is not my cuftom to talk firth or much of fuch things as thefe. Here ftands your Te- nant ; Ask him whether I once named any fuch matters tohim ? I remember Old Mr. Dods laying to one that wouldhave him Preach againft long Hair : Win their hearts to Chrift and they will cut their Hair therm (elves, I remember a perfon of a great efface yet li- ving, that in youth was Ignorant, Vain and Gaudy and being oft perfwaded to leave force Gaudy Fafhi- ons, long defpifed all that was Paid : But at Taft by a Sermon being convincedofgreater matters, and hum- bled and fuddenly changed to a godly life, all the be- loved Vanities and Fafhions were in two daies cafe sway and never taken up again, without arty talk about