ttDePoo? an Jfanííp I judge, to hang a Thief or Murderer? And what if they be many ? Muft they therefore be (d) unpunifh- ed ? Ifmany should beat you or abufe you, doth not that rather aggravate the wrong than extenuate it ? You fcruple not killing a neft of Wafps or Hornets though theybe many : Millions of men are not fo much toGod, as a fwarm ofFlies are unto men. 5. And I would know whether you think it contra- ry to Gods Goodnefs to condemn any at all, or not ? If not, what numbers proportionably will you impofe upon him to fave ? What if he faved a thoufandor ten thoufand for one that he condemneth ? Would that feem to you confiftent with his Goodnefs ? And are you lure it is not fo? We are fore that this earth is to the reft of the Univerfe, but as one inch is to the whole earth ? And how fmall a part is that ? And you know not but (e) Angels and pure inhabitants may poffefs all the rat, except what is allotted to the De- vils and the damned. And if fo, iften thoufand to one in this wicked world ( which is next to Hell) were damned, it would not all be one to many millions of the pure and bleffed ones in the reft of the Creation. I only fay that men that are Ignorant offuch matters, as we all are, are unfit to quarrel with God about them.. "El. You have laid much I confefs ; But it is all "no juffification of your own arrogance, that lay claim " to Heaven before your Neighbours. All we are pro- " phane and ungodly people, and you only are the ho- ," lybrethren and the (f) children of God. You fay, (d.) Pfal. r.5,6. `Pfäl. 5o. Mat. 25. (e) Heb. Iz. 22' 3. .An innumerable company of ,Angels, or Nyr,ads. (f) I yok. 5. I 9,20. Stand