Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

x ta UR pot)? fflxnofamiip'Zoo+k. "Standby, I am holier than thou ? And as the Phari " fee, I thank,,thee Lord that I am not as other men, "nor as this Publican. P. i. Who doyou mean by r us J and by [ you ?] Speak plainly that you may be underftood. If any ar- rogate the nameofHoly, or Godly that is not fo, he is an Hypocrite : Do you hear me fay that fuch fhall be faved ? And either you and the reft of our neighbours, are really Godly Sanctified perlons, or you are not Ifyou are, we fay you are the children of God, and the heirsof Heaven as well as we or any others : Did you ever hear me fay that any Godly man is ungod ly ? or is not the childof God ? Name the mars that I have Paid fo by. If your own Confcience tell you that you love God better than the world, and (g) feek firft his Kingdom and righteoufnefs, and if your converfation prove it,you have then the witnefs in your felfthat you are fandified,and need-not care what others fayof you. But if your Confcience tell you that it is not fo, but that you are a Lover of the world and pleafure more than of God, filence not your Gonfci- ence, and define not that we should flatter you with lies, when your own Confcience knoweth that the cafe is otherwife. 2. But t ir, do you think that there is no difference among men ? Are the good and bad, the godly and wicked all alike? Then indeed there would be no dif- ference hereafter. But if there be a difference, may it not be known ? And muff he that hath Gods grace be unthankful, and falfly fay that he hath none ? Thofe are like the unhumbled Plaarifee, who thank God for (g) Matth.6. 3 3. that