1133 ,1Pooz famíip 153ok. a I 3 that grace which they have not : and net they that hum- bly thank him for what they have. Would you have a temperate, chaff and juff perfon think himfelf to be a drunkard, a fornicator, a thief, when it is not fo , and all for fear of being proud ? Then why are you angry with thofe that count you ungodly , if humility bind all men to think themfelves ungodly ? God neither de- fireth that we fhould think with the Pharifee that we are fandified when we are nor , nor that we deny the grace which-We have. .Unthankfulnefs for the greateft Mercy is no verue: "El. You are the true off-fpring of the Pharifees 4 " a pack of Godly Hypocrites : a generation that are " pure in your own eyes, but arenot cleanfed from your ' fìlthinefs : in fecret your are as bad as any others. P Whodo you mean, Sir? "El. I mean all or the t toff of you that take on you , " to be fo Godly and Religious above other men. P. i. Would you have men profefs ungodlinefs Would you have us be Drunkards, Swearers, Fornid , cators , Covetous, for fear of being Hypocrites ? Or would you have usfay that we are fuch whenWe are not ? Is this your confe, ion of Chriff ? Would you have no man profefs himfelf a Chriiian or a Servant of God ?. What then ! Muff weprofef the fervice of the flejh aril the Devil ? 2..Do not ydu take on you to be a Chriíian, and to be Godly? Why elfe are you angry 'with them that count you ungodly ? Elfe you are an Infidel and an Atheiff. But if you profefs Chriflianiry and Godlim f your felf , are you therefore an Hypocrite ? If nor profeffion makes not others to be Hypocrites. 1 pray you tell me, what doyou profefs leis than I do ? You profefs Chriffiatnity and Godlinefs , and I profefs no I more.