Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

VP Poo2 ano fatrttip Zook. I I 5 Chriflians , Hypocrites , when the want of ferioufnef3 in profeffed Chriflianity is the very nature of Hypo crilie. Do not all thefe Railers call themfelves Chri- flians ? Is not (h) Holinefs effential to Chriftianity Is not a drunken Chriftian, a worldly Chriftian g a fornicating Chriftian a fenfual voluptuous Chriftian, a very felf-contradicting ftigmatized Hypocrite? Every grofs fin which fuch wilfully live in, is the brand of an Hypocrite. " El. Are not all men fanners ? And he that faith he "bath no fin deceiveth himfelf. Why then make you " filch differences betwen your felves and others ? P. You may try whether by that trick you can de-,' ceive the King and the Judges fiat : Go to the Bar and, to the Gallows, and fay, Why Mould thefe poor meta be hanged rather than all you ? Are not all fanners ? Tf one of your Servants beat you, excufe him, becaufe all are finners I But, Sir, do you not know that there are (i) finners that (hall be faved in Heaven , and fin- ners that (hall go to Hell? Sinners that are pardo- ned, and finners that are not pardoned ? And why fo ? But that there are finners that are Penitent, Contrite, and truly Converted, and finners that are not fo. There are (k) finners that are ungodly and fin wilfully, and love their fin : And there are finners that are Godly , and fin only of infirmity, and hate their fins, andmake it the care of their lives to avoid them. Some make pro- vfion for the fle(h to fatisfie its defires or Tufts : And (h) 2 Cor. 5. 17. Rom. 8.8, 9, 13, 30. Ach. 26.18. Luke 14.267277 33. (i) I Yoh. 1.7,8. & 3.8, 9. & s. 16,17. yob. 5. 11.. i Cor. 6. io, I I. (k) Rom. 6.16. Gen. 39. 9. Rom. 13-. 13. J 2 Come