COPaw ano jFamilp 'Zook. I 2 3 P. A Puritane is a word of fo arbitrary interpreta- tion, that,fure it is too large to found a charge of Trea- fon on. Mr. Robert Bolton and Bithop Downame and Bithop Robert Abbot, and many fuchwill tell you,that it is commonly ufed in the mouthsof the Prophane for anyman that feareth God and liveth holily and avoid- eth wilful fin, and will not be debauched as fenfualifts are : And fometime it is takenfor one that is againft the Prelacie and Ceremonies. In the firft fenfe as a Puri - tane fignifieth a ferions Chriftian, and a Godly man , dare you fay that the King , Nobles, Judges and Bithops are not fuch ? I amnot acquainted with them : But our Religion teacheth us to judge all men to be what they profefs themfelves to be, till the Contrary be certain and notorious. Dare you fay that all the Ma- giftrates; Prelates , Citizens and Subjec`ls of the Land are either ungodly men, or Traitors ? Sure this cannot be your meaning. "El. You are loth to knowmy meaning : I mean " all the pack of the Precifians , that are for fo much ftricnefs, and preaching, and praying and talking of Scripture. P. Dare you fay that neither the King , nor his Nobles, nor Judges, nor Bithops nor Clergy, are for Scripture , and for much preaching and praying , and for ftrift precife obedience to God, and for ftric`lnefs of Juftice, temperance and fobriety? What I will you fay that all are Traitors to the King, that will not be Rebels againft God, and perfidious Traitors againft Chrift andChriftianity ? " ei. I mean your fecond fort of Puritanes, the "Nonconformifts ; if you are willing to underftand. P. Now I underftand you Sir ; but it is but in part : But what is Conformity or Nonconformity io our cafe? What