1 30 1 aa f tlno =arngwp. 13aot. they negle& the great fnbfantials. This (n) tything of Mint, Anife and Curnmin, and omitting the weighty matters of the Law, Faith, Judgement and Mercy, and preferring Sacrifice before Mercy, is at once to be V4- righteous,and to be Righteous overmuch, even with an unrighteous righteoufrtuf , that is, a ftri&nefs of our own deviling : Do I perfwade any one tOthis Ii. \Ve would make men- believe nothing but Gods own word : If that, word jay not, that [ Ifany man have not the Spirit of Chrift, he ïs none of his] Rom. 8. 9. let it not bc believed. But if it do, what are we to Preach for, but to perfwade men to believe Gods word and obey it ? And will it rave metis fouls to be. unbelievers ? Believing God is the way which he bath . appointed for Salvation ? And will you fay, that not to believe him is the way ? III. We would afFright ftupid (inners into their wits, and not out of them. When the Prodigal came to himfelf, he returned to his Father, LaalZe r 5. z7. We take that man to be much worfe than mad, that will fell his foul for fo bare a price, as a little world- ly pelf or .flethly pleafure,' and having but one Mort uncertain life, in which he rauft win or lofe Salvation, will call it away upon the fooleries offin. And if you would have fuch aman to go quietly to Hell for fear of being made mad, .I with that nonemay fall into the hands of filch a Phyficiae mad men. Wifdom is juf'tiied ofher Children, c,711atth. I I . i.9. He that Pets ,(n) 1ççat.23.23,.t^9 per toturr:.j°9.I3.;;j a2.7.& 5. 3A .g5,V. Col. ir. 1 9.20, d-c. lefs