The Contents. The eighth days Conference. ). 323. Iow to(pend the Lords day in hrJltad tFamilies, and in the Church, and in fecret order of the duties of the day. w Boo to u ao read. what Minifters t o derfland. How to remember. oread help affection. How topractife. H Scripture. of publick prayer po pf e Marat How to receive the Lords ion : what youmull underfiand, what you mull be, and whatyou mull Zlnderfland do. t. what are the Ends of the S crament : and The what are the Parts : 1. The Signs, fer Matter and Manner. 3. The things fignified : Means c and Ends. 2. Iwhat n on : i .what is the Confe the Commemoration ? 3. What is the communi- cation and participation 6e How vhtheChriflzans chrifis body. 2. What t molt come ? whether doubters,or the hypocrites ? who to joyn with. 3. what urne particular pre- paration.what t to do at the of Commu what is there to move us toit ? The order r dne' time ofSacramental duties. what t after Communion,OfMeditation : matter, time and manner. of fecret paid `T. h of conference ofHumiliation or Fall The ninth days Conference. p. 36t pirertionsfor afafe and comfortable de oth. 4 wakening thoughts ofdeath . f Th