Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

132 SlR 1Pno? fflano famflp uefl. z. Is it poffible to Pleafe God too well, and obey him too exactly ? uef. 3. Is it not Blafphemie againft Gcd to fay fo ? For God made all his Laws : And he chargeth Gods Laws with folly or iniquity, who faith, that any of them are fuch as fhould not be obeyed. Quefl. 4. Do you think that you can (y) give God more than his own ? And more true fervice than he deferveth ? .uef ti. 5. Are you afraid of paying (z) too dear for Heaven? Do you think it is not worth more than it will-coft the moll ferious laboricus Believer ? Queft. 6. Are fuch men as you and I, fit to be pulled back and dif%vaded from Loving and Serving God too much ? Do you not fay that we are all finners ? And what is a firmer but one that obeyeth not God enough? And is fin a thing to be juftified ? Are wenot all fuch as we are five (hall do (a) too little and come far fhort ofour duty, when we have done our bell ? Do you need to intreat lame mennot to run towards Heaven too fall ? lithe bell are imperfect, and do too little, why will you perfwade even an ignorant fanner to do lefs? If you had Servants that would do but a dayes work in aweek, or Scholars that would learnbut a leífon in a month, you would think that he abuled you that Mould exclaim againft their working or learning too much. 7. Can that man be flacere who defareth not to be perfci ? Doth he love Holinefs that would not have more ? (y) I Cor.4. 7. () Like 1z. 3 z, 33. Msath. 16. 26. (a) LA: 17. I o,49ä. S. Dotti