Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

roe rpm? Manz Faulk) Zook. I 3 3 8. Doth not all Gods word call us up ffill to higher degrees of obedience, and to cleanfe our felpes from all llthinefs offlefh and Spirit, perfel ing holinefr in the fear of God ? 2 Cor.7. I. And did not God know what he Paid ? Are you wafer than he ? And doth not the .Devil every where call men of from Holinefi, and make them believe that it is needlefs or too troub/efome ? Andwhofe work is it then that you are doing ? 9. Doth too muchHolinefr trouble any man when he is (b) dying?Or too little rather ? Had you rather your felf have too little,yea none ; or have much, when you come to die ? Io. Did you ever know any man fo holy and obe- dient and good, that did not (c) earneftly delire to be better ? Nothing in the world doth half fo much grieve the Holieft perfons that ever I knew, as that they can know, and love andferve God no more. And ifthere were no excellency in it, or if they had enough already, why fhould they delire more ? r r. Is not fn the only plague of the world, the troubler offouls and Churches and Kingdoms, that will not fuller the world to have peace ? Andwere it not bet- ter if there were none ? Would not the world be then like a Heaven, a blefl'ed place ? And fhould men be then blamed for finning too little ? (Which is your fence, who blame them for being Religious too much.) 12. What haveyou in this world to mind, which is worthier ofyour greateft care and labour, than the plea- ting of God and the laving of your foul?If doing nothing be thebelt Condition, fleepin; out your life is berter than waking, and death is better than life. But if any thing at all fhould be (d) Minded and fought, fhould (b) Num.23.IO.Hof.5.15.(c) Rort4.7.24.. (d)1E2,t.6. 19,2o. K 3 it