Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

flan Pow&ono family 'Butt. 13 5 fhoulc as early and late, as confiantly and unwearied- ly,in Company and alone Rill think and talk of our God and our Saviour, and labour as hard in all ap- pointed means for Salvation ? Had we not a thou- fand times greater motives for it ? And yet who is it that doth fo much ? And are we -Puritans, and Pre- cilians and fuch as trouble our (elves and others, with doing too much , when we let every worldling overdo us ? Yea when a drunkardor an ambitious feeker of pre- ferment, will run faller and more unweariedly to- wards Hell, than molt of us dullards do towards Heaven t OLord, pardon our flothfulnefsfor doing fa little, and we will bear thefe Gentlemens fcorns and hatred, for doing fo much. O may we but efcape 'thy de f rued wrath for Loving thee fo little, and let u-s bear from perfecutors what thy wifdom(hall permit, for loving thee fo much ! e):1ly God thou knoweft, who knowef my heart, if thou wilt but mall me B E- LIE VE more firongly, and HOPE for HE A- VE N more confidently and "confirmee'ly, and L O VE T ICEE more fervently, and SERVE 7H .E E more faithfully, and fuccefsfally, and B EAR the Cros mare patiently, I ashfor no other Reward nor happnefs in this world, for all that I fhalldo or fifer ! 1 will not call thee too hard a matter : norfay that thy fervice is a toil : nor fach a life a tedious trouble. O let me have thisfeafl, thefe fweet delights, thefe ful labours, and let worldling.; take their dirt and fhaddows, and Bedlams,callme mad or foolifr3!! Thou art my Portion, my Firft and Eat, my t ré°ft and Hope, "my Defîre, my All! O do net forfa me, and leave me to adead and unbelieving hart, to a cold, unholy, difaffeiled heart, to Heftily, worldly, AO mind, t Live or Die aflranger to my God, and the Heavenly K 4. f ciet»