i36 tile Poo? fr àno familp Zook. fociety, Chri(t and his triumphant Church ; And then I will never joyn with the e4ccufers of thy pleafant fer- vice, nor crave one taft ofthe,beaflly deceitful pleafures offin! " El. O holy foul 1. No doubt you were in a rapture c' now 1 Wereyou not in the third Heaven ? Thofe tears "were fanc`fified ! Would not that Holy water work c' miracles I Sure this was the breathing of the Spirit ! " Wereyou not Phanaticks, how could you think that ." God is pleafed with your weepingand whining, and " fpeaking through the note, and cutting faces, and fuch like Hypocritical thews ? P. Sir, I have no weapons to ufe but Reafon and Gods word : And [corning is like Senfe and Appe- t>te ; a thing that Reafon hath nothing to do with but rebuke : Nor do Ipurpofe toanfwer you in that dialed. I doubt you cannot undertake that you will not weep or whine on your death-bed : But if not, it may be {for fe. "El. Come Sir, When you have all done, Who "made the way toHeaven fo long? Why lead you the c" people fo far about ? What need fo many Sermons, "and fo long prayers, as if God were moved or c' pleafed with our talk ? I can fay all that is in your fermons and volumes in three words : All is but Think well, and Say well, and Do well. P. That's quickly fail, Sir : But if I defire you to fpend all or half your life, inThinking- well and/Saying well and Doing well, will you not fay that I am a Puri- tane ; and ask what needall this ado ? Is it any thing fife that I have perfwaded your Tenant to ? And that youare oppofing all this while? See ftili how unhappily you confute your fell. Let us but agree of this, that e muff labour faithfully to Tink well, and Say well, and