Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

epe Pacq nano Jainítp Zoot. 137 and Do well, and Repent unfeignedly that ever we did otherwife, and Truft in Chrift for pardon and for help, and we will fo conclude and differ nomore. But you muff know what Well and Ill do differ l And what thoughts, words, and deeds, are Well indeed. And that is Well which God commandeth, whether you like it or not. But if you mean that our Sermons need to be no (g) longer, will you try firft this art of fhort writing in a Scrivener ? Let him tell his boyes, [You have nothing tb do but to make your Letters well, and fet them together well.] Let a School-mafl:er fay no more to his Scholars, but, [You muff know your Letters and fyllables, words and fentences, matter and method, and there needs no more.] Let a Car- penter tell his apprentice, [ There is nothing todo but frame the houle and rear it ; and in rearing, nothing but lay the foundation and ered the fuperftrudure , and cover, and feel it.] Why do men fet Boyesfo many years to Schools and to Apprentice-fhips, when two or three words may ferve the turn ? But as for long prayers, Sir, we know that God is not moved by words But we areour felves. And z. The exercife of holy delires exciteth them : As all habits are increafed by Ad, and all Ads further us by excitation of the faculties. And our fervent defìres -are our Receptive difpofition ; And if you have any Philo- fophy you know that, Recipitcr ad modem recipientis, and what a wonderful variegationof effeds there is in the world, from the fame beams or influxes of the Sun, by the great Variety of Receptive difpoftions. Two (g) M.20.9)1 O, I [gc. wayes