140 ebe nn? Memo iFamilpZook, when time is (k) ending, Whether he could then wifh it had been fpent in longer feafting, and dreffing and playing, or in longer praying? Sir, Theworff I withyou is, that you had felt but onehour what'fome ofGodsServants have felt inPrayer, and in the joyful Praife of their Glorious Lord, and then our difpute about the troublefomenefs of Religion, would be at an end ; As feafting would end the Con- troverfie, Whether it be a toil for a hungry man to eat ? "el. This bath everbeen the cuftom of Hypocrites, " to place all their Religion in words, and ftri}nefs, " but where are your good works ? You will call good " worksa piece Qf Popery : You are as Covetous and " griping as any men in the world : You will cut a mans " throat for a groat, rather than give a poor man a " groat : This is the Precifians Holinefs and Religion. P. You fay asyou are taught : You are not their frft accufer. But Sir, mens Religion muff be known by their Do rine and Principles : Ifa Chriftian be an (1) cridulterer or Murderer or e Malignant, will you fay that the ChriftianReligion is for Adultery, Murder, orMalignity. I'le tell you our Dof$rine : It is that we muff love our Neighbours as our felves, and muff (m) honour Godwithour fubftance and with the firft fruits of our increafe, and that we muff devote all that ever we have to God , and that we are (t) Created in Chriff Jefus to good works, and (*) Redeemed and purified to be zealous of good works, and that we muff do (n) good to all men, but efpecially (1¿) Luke i6. 25, 26, 27. (1) i Cor.6. 9, io. (m) Iñ°ov.3. 9. CO 4heJ.2. i0. (*) Tit. 2. 14.. (n) Gal.d. 10