Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

142 'tjePo003110 familp 'Zook, whydo you blame us for perfwading others to it ? If you like it not, why do you blame us for not prac`í- ling it ? But, come Sir, you and I live near together : I pray you name me the men that are filch Covetous villains as you defcribe : And compare the refit of your Neighbours with them: "El. lossdpuld put me upon odious work : I will not defile n mouth with naming any of you. P. Am I one of them whom you mean ? "El, Iconfefs you have got y_ou a good report, for a charitable man : But on my Conícience it is but to be fees of men. P. Nay then, there is no ward a,gainli: your Calum- nies. Before,you denyed our Goodworks : And now it is but our Hearts and I-lypocrijie that you accufe, which God only knoweth. Ifyou gave half your revenue to the poor, ihouldI do well to think that you did it in Hypocrifie ? But, come Sir, I will do that for you whichyou a- void : You know in our Country thereare few Gentle- men of Eftate called Precifians but Mr. T. F. And youknow he bath built an Hofpital and endowed it with many hundred pounds per annum. You know Mr. N. N. in another County who is called a Precifan, and I have credibly heard that he giveth five hundred pounds a year to Charitable ufes thefe fixteenyears at leaf ; And both of them go plain and forbear pompand Gallantry that they may have to do it with I ufe to lodge but in two boufes in London , and therefore am not acquainted with many mens fecrets of this kind. One ofthem is a Godlyman of no great Eftate and is readier tooffer me money to any good ufe than