fiCIR Poo? MariofamíïpZook. 145 I take the boldnefs to intreat you toda more. We that are your Neighbours, fee nothing that you do, but only give Lazarus a few fcraps at your door : But we fee that you are clothed in Purple and Silk, and that not only you, but your Children and Servants fare fum- ptuoully and delicioufly every day. How much you fpend in Taverns, and pomp and (late, and feafting, and gamingand vifits, and on your pride and pleafure the Country talks of: But wehear little of any Impro- priations that you buy in for the Church, or of anyfree Schools, cr Hofpitals that you fettle, or of any poor Children that you fet to School or Appentice -(hips, or the like : The fins of Sodom are your daily bufinefs Pride, Fulnefs of Bread, and Idlenef ; and want of Compaf on to the poor makes than up, Ezell; i 6.49. Ct what adreadful account will you have, when all this comes to be reckoned for, as is foretold, Matth. 25 When it's found on yqur accounts, fo many pounds on vifits, and needlefs entertainments, and pomp, fo many on fports, and on fuperflùities of horfes, dogs and furniture, fomany to tempt all in your hehle to glut- tony, to fay nothing of other wailful Tufts ; And to pious and Charitable ufes, alas how little I The Lord convert you left you hear, Take the flothful and un- profitable Servant and cart him into outer darknefs And left you want a drop of water for your tongue - At leaft, O do lefs hurt, ifyou will do no good. « El. I'l talkno longer with you, left you think to " make me tremble with Feliit, or to fay Alrr o f you "perfwade me to be a Preciftan : Youput fucha face "ofReafonupon your Religion. P. Sir, Ibefeech you let me end all our Controverfie withone Queftion more : You profefs your felfa Chri- ftian : Had you denied the Scripture or the life to comer L or