Irt9 poop Manz latnflp 15ook. I 9 MtAttttAIMMttIMAt The Fourth layesConference. The Replying and 4 ual Converting of f a Sinner. Speakers. I. Paul, A Teacher. Saul, A Learner. Paul. ElcomeNeighbour, you have been longer away than I ex- pec`ed :What was the matter with you ? Saul. O Sir, I have feen andfelt the heavyhandofGadlince Ifawyou. We had a violent feaver Common among us, and my Land- LordSir Elymas is dead, andfou his Servant that was with him, whenyou talk'd with him ; and I narrowly efcaped withmy life myfelf. P. Alas ! Is he dead ? I pray you tell me how he took our Conference,and how he dyed ? S. He toldme that you were too bold andfawcie with him; But he thoughtyou werean honejl wan, and that L 3 ycss