Spe Pow fflanz famíïp 'Zook. 1 5 I feventh called Hildebrand (and the firebrand of the Church and Empire) and that in a Council at Rome profeffeth , that neitherfalfePenitence, nor falfe, Baptifm is effectual : Though forceof them make At- trition ïwithoutContrition, or bare Fear without Love to ferve the turn. And if their Priefts doflatter the pre- fumption and falfe hopes of Fornicators, Drunkards, and fuch grofher finners, by abfolving them as oft as they confefs their fin, without telling them that it is all uneffedual unlefs by true Converfion they forfake it ; They do this but as a meer cheat for worldly ends, to encreafe their Church, and win the great and wealthy of the world to themfelves, quite contrary to their own knowledge and profeft Religion. But as for his not Believing the Scriptures, the truth is,there lyeth the core of all their errours. There are abundance among us that call themfelves Chriftians, becaufe it is the Religion of the King and Country, who areno Chriflians at the heart, which m: de me fay fo much of the Hypoc ifie of ungodly men. And I can. not fee how a man that truly believeth the Scripture can quiet himfelf in a flefhlyandungodly life, but his belief would either Convert him, or torment him. S. But Iamperfwadedhe had fame Conviaions upon his Confcience, which troubled him : Whsn he was taken firfl with the fever, they all put him in hopes that there was no danger ofdeath ; and fo he was kept from talking at all of his foul or of another world, till thefever took away his underflanding : But twice or thrice he came to himfelf for half an hour, and tit/1r . Zedekiah his Chaplain advifed him to lift up his heart to Clod, andBelieve in Chrifl, for he was going to a place ofjoy.r,and Angels were ready to receive his foul ; And he looked at him with a direful countenance, ;and L 4. faid,