Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

Vaepoo? Mano falnílp 'Zook. 15 5 every refinance ofthe Spirit, doth tend to the greater hardeningofyour heart, and making your Converfion lefs hopeful and more hard ? Do you hope for pardon and mercy fromGod : or do you not ? If not, defpe- ration would begin your Hell If you do, is it inge- nuous to defire to commit more of that fin which you mean to repent that ever you committed, and to beg for pardon of fromGod ? Dareyou fay in your heart , Lord I have abufed thee and thy Son and Spirit and mercy long ; I will abufe thee yet a Iittle longer, and then I will repent and ask forgivenefs. Doyou love to fpit a little longer in the face of that Saviour, and that mercy which you muff fly to and truft to at the ? Do younot purpofe to love him and honour him after- ward and for ever and yet would you a little longer defpife and injure him ? Would you gratifie and pleafe the Devil a little longer ? and root and ftrengthen fin alittle more before youpull it up? andkindle a greater flame in your houfe before you quench it ? Muft you needs give your 1felf a few more ftabs, before you go eo the Phyficio i ? Is your life too long ? And bath Godgiven yoaftoo much time, that you are defirous to lofe a little more ? Areyou afraid of too eafie an affu- rance of forgivenefs, that you would make it harder , and would invite defpair, by finning wilfully againft knowledge and Convidion ? What will you delay for ? Doyou think ever to find the market fall, and Chrift comedown to lower terms, and change his Law and Gofpel, to excufe you for not changing your heart and life? Do you ever look to find Converfion an eafier work than now ? Do you know how much more you have to -do, when you are Converted ? What know- ledge, faith, hope, affurance and patience and com - fort more to get ? How many temptations toovercome, akd