Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

r 5 8 ,' tomNano Jamiïp(5ook. Solidification and Salvation. But the way that God our Father and Redeemer doch take to give us a Right unto thefe Bleflings, is by making with man a Law and (i) Covenant of Grace. By this Law he commandeth us to become Chriftians, that is; To believe in God the Father,the Son and the Holy Ghoft, and to give up our felves to him, in the Covenant of Ba ptifm ; Repenting of fin, and thus turning to God by Jefus Chrift. To all that do this, he giveth right to (k) Chrift himfelf firft as their Head and Saviour, and with him right to pardon, to the Spirit, and Salvation. So that God is the Giver of Chrift to Redeem us : Chrift is our Redeemer, and the Meriter of our Life; The newLate or Covenant is the 10.2.1/mental Donation of Life, like an At of Oblivion. Your own Covenanting orgiving up your Pelfto God in Chrift, which is by a REPENTING PRACTICAL (1) FAITH, or (which is all one) your ACCEPTING THE GIFT OF THE COVENANT AS IT IS offered according to its nature, is that Con- dition or duty on your part, upon which the Covenant giveth youRight. So that Gods Covenant, gift orgrant, as your Title, or the foundation of your Right, (as Chrift is the Meriter and maker ofthe Covenant ;) And your Practical Faith is the Condition on your parr. And to every one of thefe, to (m) Gods Mercies, to Chrifts Sacrifice, Merits and Interceilìons,to the Cove. nant or Gift ofGod, and to your own fincere Faith, Confent and Acceptance, you muff 71,ufk for its own (i) Heb .9.i5,16;17.Mat. 28. 19. & 26. 28. 2 car. 3 . 6. Heb. 7.22. Mar. i 6. r 6. fohn 3 .16. (k) r 7ohn 5. (l) john 1.1°,11,12. (m) 22, 24) 25. proper